Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Setting the Tone

Good afternoon and welcome to Tea with Jess!

First things first, please allow me to introduce myself... after all, it's always nice to know who you are having tea with.

As the title of the blog indicates, my name is Jess. I am a believer in the one true God, wife to a great guy, mommy to a little guy (just turned 4 months a couple days ago), I work part time at a jewelry store, and I love to sit down with friends a have a good cup of tea (or coffee depending on baby waking up during the night or not!). I am both American and French, having spent the most of my years so far in France, and currently living in the US. I completed high school in France, obtained my Baccalaureat with an emphasis on Social and Economic studies, and then completed the two year program at Word of Life Bible Institute in NY. I also obtained my esthetician's license in France. But enough about me.

Saying that there are a lot of blogs out there would be an understatement. And my goal here is not to parade myself or my ideas, start political debates, or lecture teen girls. I have been reading so many blog posts, Facebook posts recently that I think miss the point a lot of times. Some have good things to say though, it would be foolish of me to claim that there is nothing good out there. What I do see as a problem though, is that truth is being drowned out by a lot of witty and eloquent bloggers, "thinkers".

So what then, is my goal in writing this blog?

It is to encourage Christians in their faith, learning to use discernment as we put things into question, and foremost to strive to view things the way God views them, based on what He has already communicated to us through Scripture.

It is my prayer that I may not dishonor Him by anything that I say, rather that He would always be glorified and that we may grow together in knowledge of Him who created all things.

May we strive to live in the manner Paul wrote from prison about, to the Ephesians:

"Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." -Ephesians 4:1-3 (NASB).